Happy Birthday, Scenic Drive!

This weekend, Scenic Drive will be celebrating its centennial on Sunday, October 4, with a special Scenic Sundays.

One of the most iconic thoroughfares in El Paso, Scenic Drive will celebrate 100 years during Scenic Sundays beginning with a sunrise celebration at 7:02 a.m. at the overlook.

For those wanting to attend - In order to view the sunrise at the overlook, attendees are encouraged to begin their run, jog, walk, or cycling at 6:30 a.m. El Paso residents who can’t make the early sunrise viewing have until noon to enjoy the special programming.

Once there, attendees will be able to learn more about Scenic Drive’s history, share their memories, and can even take the City of El Paso Live Active Pledge, which encourages others to take advantage of El Paso’s health-friendly amenities. Per COVID-19 health and safety guidelines, attendees will be expected to follow social distancing guidelines as well as wearing a face covering when not actively participating in physical activity.

Participants are encouraged to share their memories, photos, and thoughts about the centennial using the hashtag #scenic100 on social media.

Scenic Sundays takes place every Sunday when Scenic Drive closes to vehicular traffic to allow runners, joggers, walkers, and cyclists an opportunity exercise while taking in the panoramic view of the city alongside the Franklin Mountains.

Also, this weekend beginning on Sunday, Scenic Sundays hours will change for the fall and winter - The new hours will be 7 a.m. to noon.

For more information on the Scenic Sundays centennial, please visit sunrisecivicgroup.org/events.


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