Random Photos From Tricia’s 3 Day Easter Weekend
I love spring in El Paso. I get to gather baskets for Mike and Tricia's Annual Easter Basket Drive, celebrate Easter with the familia, and walk around outside for a couple of weeks without being in danger of self-combusting because of the heat. After the last baskets were picked up at the station by all the charities that were helped because of our listeners generosity, I decided to wander around looking at all the pretty things to see during my three day Easter weekend.
1. Elmer's - I went to breakfast at one of my favorite central El Paso restaurants, Elmer's. It is totally old-school, and I can't remember ever not seeing this iconic wall on Montana. The place has literally not changed since I was a kid!
2. Elmer's lights - I love these old diner lights. I'll bet the company that made them isn't even in business anymore. They are so perfect for Elmer's.
3. Elmer's glass case - Another old-school touch at Elmer's. Pretty sure this glass case has been in the restaurant for decades. I'm going to have to go back soon to get a hot fudge sundae in one of those glasses.
4. Naked Running Man - I was given this hilarious garden stake and I put him in a pot with an asparagus fern to give him a little cover. By the way, he's not anatomically correct!
5. Liquor sign - This liquor store is in Five Points on Montana. It's been around forever, and I love the sign day and night, but especially at night. I've never been in there. I'll need to go back!
6. Papa Burger table - I love Papa Burger, and my favorite is the closest to my house on Wedgewood. It makes me smile to see all the names scratched into the tabletops.