I love spring in El Paso. I get to gather baskets for Mike and Tricia's Annual Easter Basket Drive, celebrate Easter with the familia, and walk around outside for a couple of weeks without being in danger of self-combusting because of the heat. After the last baskets were picked up at the station by all the charities that were helped because of our listeners generosity, I decided to wander around looking at all the pretty things to see during my three day Easter weekend.

1. Elmer's - I went to breakfast at one of my favorite central El Paso restaurants, Elmer's. It is totally old-school, and I can't remember ever not seeing this iconic wall on Montana. The place has literally not changed since I was a kid!

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

2. Elmer's lights - I love these old diner lights. I'll bet the company that made them isn't even in business anymore. They are so perfect for Elmer's.

blog elmer's lights

3. Elmer's glass case - Another old-school touch at Elmer's. Pretty sure this glass case has been in the restaurant for decades. I'm going to have to go back soon to get a hot fudge sundae in one of those glasses.

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

4. Naked Running Man - I was given this hilarious garden stake and I put him in a pot with an asparagus fern to give him a little cover. By the way, he's not anatomically correct!

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

5. Liquor sign - This liquor store is in Five Points on Montana. It's been around forever, and I love the sign day and night, but especially at night. I've never been in there. I'll need to go back!

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

6. Papa Burger table - I love Papa Burger, and my favorite is the closest to my house on Wedgewood. It makes me smile to see all the names scratched into the tabletops.

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

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