The Plaza Classic Film Festival will return this summer with a plan to work around the novel coronavirus pandemic with pop-up drive-in movies.

As El Paso begins to slowly reopen – The Annual Plaza Classic Film Festival has been working diligently to create a new fan experience amidst the COVID 19 pandemic to adhere to social distancing and safety precautions.

The plan is to create pop-up drive-in movie nights at several locations around the city as well as stream movies in a managed digital environment. Other popular components of the Plaza Classic Film Festival such as the Local Flavor local film showcase, documentaries, and newer movies, will also be screened digitally on its website -

The Plaza Classic Film Festival happens to be the largest Classic Film Festival in the world and I for one am so proud of that. Since 2008 - The Plaza Classic Film Festival has screened more than 1,000 movies and hosted over 500,000 attendees from all over the world including big-screen stars such as Al Pacino, Robert Wagner, Ali MacGraw, Debbie Reynolds and Sam Elliot to name but a few.

Stay tuned as more details will become available in the coming weeks as the Plaza Classic Film Festival reveals the movies, the pop-up drive-in movie locations, and much more slated for this year.



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