Petition Urges Coachella Headliners to Donate Profits to Pro-LGBTQ Groups
A petition is floating around trying to get signatures to urge Coachella headliners to donate the proceeds to Pro-LGBTQ groups. Headliners like Beyonce, Radiohead and Kendrick Lamar are being called out specifically on the petition.
The proceeds, if donated to the groups, will go to The Trevor Project, Translifline, and the Human RIghts Campaign. The Trevor Project provides support by offering free suicide support to the youth of the LGBT community. Trans Lifeline is very similar to The Trevor Project as they offer crisis support to transgender individuals. And The Human Rights Campaign uses advocates for equal rights in the LGBT Community. As of what I researched online, there is no indication that any of the Coachella headliners have responded to the petition or if they are willing to donate.
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