Pay Your El Paso Property Taxes By January 31 Or Pay A Hefty Penalty
If you're a property owner you need to pay your taxes by the end of the month or else face delinquent penalties and interest, and believe me, it adds up fast. You're property taxes need to be paid by close of business on Friday, January 31. Taxpayers are encouraged to pay before the deadline to avoid delinquent penalties and interest.
1% Interest of the outstanding tax bill is added monthly beginning the first month of delinquency. That interest continues accumulates until the tax is paid. There is also a 6% penalty added for the first month of delinquency. 1% of the levy due is added each month for months 2 through 5 of delinquency. 2% of the levy due is added beginning the 6th month of delinquency. You'll also be racking up a penalty for collection costs of up to 20% of levy and penalties and interest due which is added on April 1st for personal property and July 1st for real property of the year the tax becomes delinquent.
What I'm trying to say here is pay your taxes by January 31. You'll accrue hundreds of dollars in penalties and fees in just the first month of being delinquent.
You can pay you property taxes in a number of different ways:
Online at www.elpasotexas.gov/tax-office or by phone at 212-0106
With credit card (with a 1.98% convenience fee)
With e-check
By mail
City of El Paso Tax Office
P. O. Box 2992
El Paso, TX 79999-2992
ln person
1. City Tax Office, 221 N. Kansas, Ste. 300 (Wells Fargo Building, 3rd floor)
Open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
2. County Tax Office locations
Full or partial payment. Check, Money Orders, and cash are accepted. Tax bill must be presented.
3. El Paso Wells Fargo locations (Lobby payments only- no drive through payments)
Full or partial payment. No cash accepted, only checks or money orders. Tax bill must be presented.
4. Mobile Bank at Central Appraisal Office, 5801 Trowbridge
January 27 through January 31, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Checks and money orders accepted. Tax Bill must be presented.
You can print out your property tax bill by going to the City's Tax Office website and selecting 'Pay Your Taxes.' You can also call 212-0106 for more information.
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