Parents Get Your Car Seat Checked For Free At Whataburger
Back when I was having my kids in the mid-eighties and early nineties, car seats were around, but they weren't that big of a deal. People had them, but the technology wasn't anywhere up to where it is today. Because they were still so new, a lot of parents probably used car seats incorrectly. These days, car seats are so advanced and come with so many bells and whistles that installing one correctly can overwhelm parents. That means there are a lot of kids out there in car seats that might not be installed and being used correctly, and that can put them in a lot of danger in a car accident.
If you are a parent who is wondering if you are installing your child's car seat correctly, the Texas Department of Transportation and Whataburger have your back. They are holding free clinics on Fridays beginning this weekend and going through September 21.
TxDOT will be out checking car seats at these El Paso Whataburgers.
Friday, July 26: Whataburger, 131 S. Americas Ave., 8 a.m.-10 a.m.
Friday, Aug. 2: Whataburger, 13910 Horizon Blvd., 8 a.m.-10 a.m.
Friday, Aug. 16: Whataburger, 4640 Transmountain Road, 8 a.m.-10 a.m.
Friday, Sept. 6: Whataburger, 650 Sunland Park Drive, 8 a.m.-10 a.m.
Saturday, Sept. 21: Whataburger, 1300 Airway Blvd., 8 a.m.-10 a.m.
While you're out there, TxDOT officials will have information on proper way to use and install your child's car seat. You will need to bring your child with you to the car seat check so TxDOT officials can determine if they are using the correct car seat for their age.