NoKidHungry Offering Free Summer Meals For Kids This Summer
The national organization NoKidHungry wants to make sure that the word gets out that free healthy meals are available for kids this summer.
According to NoKidHungry, “1 in 6 children in the United States lives with hunger and the federal government estimates that 4 million children in the United States face hunger during the summer months.”
Normally, summer is when kids are out of school and having fun but for some kids whose families are food insecure, it means no access to a healthy food source.
The NoKidHungry summer program offers meals to students to help end childhood hunger. The service is free and open to anyone all over the United States. Any parent, grandparent or caregiver can simply text the word FOOD to 877-877 and the service will provide the location and service times of up to three nearby summer meals sites. The service is also available in Spanish, by texting the word COMIDA instead of FOOD to 877-877.
NoKidHungry urges everyone to share this information so that food insecure kids get a proper meal daily, not just during the summer months, but throughout the year.