Raunda Ashton is a viral sensation most popularly recognized for a video posted on her Facebook page garnering over 2 millions views where Ashton is seen standing her ground against a group of protesters. A Dallas to Los Angeles transplant, Ashton is currently touring the southwest region of the United States performing drag with dates in Albuquerque and Denver next on her radar. Raunda, affectionately known to me as ROACH, Raundeux, Big Raunda, and Raunda Brown-Black is an advocate for the gay community wherever she may be, I believe to be a huge contender for Ru Paul’s Drag Race and a leading face for make-up artistry with features all over the web. Stay caught up with Raunda Ashton here. Ashton’s coming out story touched me so deeply that I felt compelled to share her wisdom, willingness to persevere and beacon of light that she brings to the world with you on this National Coming Out Day: October 11th, 2017.


Tell us about your coming out experience:

It wasn’t easy but necessary. I believe in order to live your best life you have to first accept yourself and the rest will fall into place. Not everyone is going to agree with you but it’s your one life to live. Not anyone else’s.

Did coming out change the dynamic of your relationships with your loved ones?

Yes for sure. I didn’t talk to my adopted parents for a year. I told them that love isn’t real when you add conditions. This is who I am and if you can’t accept me for me and love me unconditionally then we don’t have to speak ever again.

Are you happier now that you are open about your sexuality?

Yes, you can’t put a price on living authentically.

Little Richard now claims to no longer be gay and staying away from “unnatural affection.” Can you comment on that?

What is normal for the spider is chaos to a fly. That old queen is GAY! 


Speaking of Little Richard….How did you start doing drag?

I was inspired by Rachel McAdams, she has that old Hollywood glam and a honest naivety as well as an intellect about her that I could relate to on so many levels. I was really inspired by Anastacia-Paid my dues. And one day I just went for it.

I think it’s safe to say that many people assume that gay people all want to be transgender before understanding the different shades of the LGBTQI community. Can you comment on that?

Especially if you do drag! At the end of the day as long as you aren’t hurting anyone and living your life own it. Be your own kind of beautiful.

What would you say to your younger self in preparation for taking on a world that might not always be accepting?

People are going to talk about you wherever you go. Stay true to yourself and don’t sweat the small stuff. The naysayers will always naysay.

Lastly! Will you send us nudes? Just Kidding. Will you ever be in the El Paso area so we can see one of your legendary performances?

How many do you need? Haha. Well I have always wanted to visit one of the most premier cities in Texas that is El Paso. Who knows maybe I’ll be invited to perform at one of the amazing venues you have such as Touch Nightclub in the near future...


Check out Raunda's viral sensation video here. Viewer discretion is advised.

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