Mike And Tricia Listener Act Of Toilet Paper Kindness For Co-Worker [VIDEO]
Mike and I were talking the other day about acts of kindness in this day of coronavirus after I told him that I and other people in my neighborhood had started pulling weeds and going to the grocery store for our older neighbors who are afraid to come out of their houses. We put a call out to our listeners asking for their acts of kindness during the coronavirus stay-at-home order from the City.
One listener, who chose to remain anonymous, said that she helped out a co-worker with toilet paper. The coronavirus has inexplicably made toilet paper more scarce than a Big Foot sighting. People rush grocery stores and any other retail outlet that sells the rolls of gold to see if they can scoop up the papel para poop. Annie Nonymous said that her co-worker told her that she couldn't find any toilet paper and she was on her last roll. Annie grabbed some rolls from her house and gave them to her co-worker.
Not all heroes wear capes. Some are made of toilet paper. Thanks for your act of kindness, Annie Nonymous!
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