The road to recovery is a tough road for adults so the women of “Mija, Yes you can” decided to spread some holiday cheer to residents living at the Aliviane recovery center.

“As a person in long-term recovery, being accepted and being thought of having any type of support, motivation, and guidance in the community is a very big thing,” said Joseph De La Cruz, program supervisor for recovery support services at Aliviane.

Aliviane is a residential facility and organization that helps individuals with substance abuse, alcoholism, and mental health issues as well.

“I’m really happy that this happened and I'm happy to be a part of it,” said Joseph.
Residents were able to create a wish list that included three items they wanted as a gift.

These lists were placed on a Mija angel tree which was sponsored by local businesses.

Businesses including Cardinal Financial, Mona Bar of Modern Art, and HDZ Auto Connect sponsored each Mija angel tree and granted the wishes of each resident, along with the wishes of their children staying with them at the center.

Iris Lopez
Iris Lopez

Residents were treated to tamales, eggnog, fruit, cupcakes, and of course, Christmas presents.

This holiday event is a way for “Mija, Yes you can” to remind others that despite the struggles they are dealing with, there are people out there rooting for them to succeed, and this event helped to put a smile on the resident's faces during this holiday season.

“It brings up their spirit and it brings up morale because people are giving that support and showing that we do matter and showing that there are people that are in the community that is willing to help,” said Joseph. “That is one of the biggest things that we look for is support from the community and everybody in the community to help.”

Mija Yes We Care Holiday Drive

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