How much would you pay to save your goldfish’s life? A guy in Norfolk, England recently spent close to 500 bucks!

The unidentified man noticed his goldfish wasn't acting right, so he took it to the Vet Faye Bethell, whose diagnosis was that it was constipated. She said it would cost $459 for her to perform minor surgery that would . . . uh, how can I put this? . . . break up a clump that was stuck in his excretory system.

At first, the man balked at the price tag but returned minutes later saying he’d changed his mind. So Bethell knocked out the goldfish using anesthetized water, and, after a one-hour procedure, successfully removed the “lump blocking his bottom.”  (PHOTO) (PHOTO)

In case you're wondering, the going rate for a golfish in England is about $4.50.

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