Luby’s Is No More – Company Decides To Dissolve
Luby's is one of my favorite places in the whole world. When I was a kid my family would go every Sunday for lunch with my grandparents to Luby's on the westside. As I grew up, I kind of turned up my nose at the thought of such an "old folks" type place but years ago I went back for lunch with my bestie and realized how much I really missed it. Grabbing a tray from the stack, those perfectly rolled utensils in a huge cloth napkin, picking out my faves, fried chicken, mac and cheese, and fried okra - ah memories.
I say memories because along with so many other things that COVID-19 has taken from us, it appears the coronavirus has also taken Luby's from us as well. To be fair, it's not all the coronavirus outbreak's fault. Apparently, things have not been going well for Luby's for a while now. The news in June that they might be closing forever came along with the news that they have been in dire financial trouble for quite some time.
Today, officials with Luby's, a company that began in San Antonio in 1947, announced that they will begin liquidating their real estate assets and wind down operations. The money that is raised will go toward paying off outstanding obligations before distributing the assets to shareholders.
There is no word on when all this will take place, but it's probably going to be really soon. I for one am terribly sad to see Luby's go. It is such a sweet, memory-filled place for so many generations of people in Texas and beyond.
Man. 2020 takes no prisoners.
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