Longer Warm Months Means Longer Mosquito Season In El Paso
If you're wondering if the weather is getting warmer during the summer and staying warmer later in the year, you're right. Whether you believe in climate change or not, data does prove that El Paso has been warming 5.4 degrees during the fall months since 1970. That means that we'll be seeing longer, warmer fall months and that also means mosquitoes hanging around making life hell for longer periods of time.
Officials say that last year mosquito season didn't end until December because the temperatures stayed warm. Because the little buzzers are hanging around longer that means more chances to contract mosquito-borne diseases. To keep your family safe, remember these are the reasons why you might get bitten:
If you breath heavily, like when you're exercising, you're just sending out a signal to the little blood-suckers.
Working out outside is a lot of fun, but mosquitoes can detect the increase in lactic acid in your body and it makes you a mosquito magnet.
There's nothing like a cold beer on a summer day, but you're not the only one who is going to enjoying that beer. Mosquitoes think you taste lovely after having a cold one, so be on the lookout for the little buzzy boozers.
Mosquitoes love Type O blood and if you have it, they want it. Type O will make you more susceptible to mosquito attacks.
This last one is pretty awful, but if you're pregnant, mosquitoes will completely dig you, so take precautions and ask your GYN which mosquito repellent you can use.
Wear insect repellent, long sleeves and long pants along with socks, and avoid being outside at dusk and dawn. Don't forget to make sure the screens on your windows don't have holes, and don't leave any standing water in flowerpots, gutters, pool covers and other spots around your home.