Lady Gaga Gets Pelted With … a Britney Spears Cell Phone?!
While Lady Gaga was performing in Finland this week, a little monster threw a cell phone with a photo of Britney Spears on it on stage. We’re not sure why a monster would toss their valuable phone on stage, since they are expensive, contain sensitive personal information, are essential to modern communication and not something that Gaga really needs in hand-me-down form. But it did get a response out of Gaga, and a relatively positive one at that.
“It’s a cell phone … with Britney on it,” Gaga said with a giggle during the portion of the show where she talked to fans and sorted through items they tossed on stage. “I’m going to call your mother and tell her where you are. After I take a picture of myself. F— you for throwing your phone on my stage. It’s not your show. It’s mine. It’s mine!”