If you've driven on I-10 east in the UTEP area, you've probably noticed the new splashes of color on the other side of the border.

The El Paso Times reports that more than 200 homes in Juarez are part of the Juárez- El Paso Magico project that will eventually become one of the largest murals in Mexico. The homes will be painted vibrant colors and about 400,000 square feet will ultimately be part of the art installation.

The group behind the project says they know that some paint isn't going to change Juarez's past, but they want to try to bring something positive to the city that was once called the murder capital of the world. Amór por Juárez, and FICOSEC, a trust for public safety funded by the private sector in the state of Chihuahua, have joined with other private and public organizations to complete the project.

Even though I work on the westside, I don't often drive on the freeway. I saw the project this weekend and honestly, it made me smile. It's true that paint won't make a lot of things better in Juarez, but it does serve to bring a smile to people's faces, and sometimes, that's enough. We spruce up our houses to make ourselves feel good - I hope that the Magico project brings a little joy to the people of Juarez.

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