We're not talking the fun Beatles here, we're talking annoying, kinda disgusting insects that have totally infested Socorro, southeast of El Paso.

John, Paul, George and Ringo have nothing to do with this beetle invasion. Socorro residents are facing a major beetle plague and they can thank all the pecan shelling plants in the 'hood for it.

One resident said that not only are the beetles everywhere but they also fly and bite. Another said they have to stuff their ears with cotton to keep the lil bastards out. Yuck.

The moisture in all the huge piles of pecan shells and pecan waste products attracted the red flour beetles and, as they dry up, the beetles are moving into nearby homes looking for more.

Residents in the area can prevent red flour beetles from invading their homes by weather sealing the bottoms of doors, caulking cracks around windows and gaps in entry/exit holes in exterior walls for appliances and plumbing, and installing fine mesh screens on vents and any access points under the home.

Also, after the first reports of the plague came out, the City of Socorro recommended residents to spray corners and floor/wall junctions with a pyrethroid insecticide -- pyrethrins, the organic alternative to the insecticide, will not be effective-- and advised to turn off all exterior lights if possible, as these beetles are attracted to light. - kfoxtv

For more treatment advice, click here. Fortunately, a Texas A&M AgriLife spokesman told KFOX that this won't last long. Once it starts getting cold, the beetles will "beet" it.

CAUTION! GRAPHIC PHOTOS: These Are The Texas Insects To Be On The Lookout For

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