Don’t Panic, But Texas Man Now Has West Nile Virus
Just as we are starting to receive good news that the oppressive summer heat is projected to be ending soon, we are now getting reports of West Nile Virus being found all over Texas. West Nile Virus can be incredibly dangerous to not only humans, but also pets and livestock.
How does somebody contract West Nile Virus?
West Nile is spread exclusively through mosquitos, which is one of many diseases that are known to transmit, and that is why they are literally the most dangerous animal on the planet and responsible for over 700,000 deaths each year.
What should you do if you contract West Nile Virus?
Well, if you suspect having contracted West Nile Virus due to a lengthy fever, a combination of head, body and joint aches, or unexplained rash, the best thing you can do is see a physician to get a confirmed diagnosis. The next part is the most important and often most ignored because humans really dislike sitting still, but you need to get plenty of rest.
Do I need to go to the hospital if I get West Nile Virus?
Not necessarily, and only if symptoms become serious enough that you aren't able to recover from the infection on your own. There is not a vaccination for West Nile Virus, which is why you really need to recover fully before resuming normal activities if you want to avoid a relapse.
To learn more about the man in Bell County who just tested positive for the first case of 2023 for WNV, check out this KXXV article.