It is Time to Say Goodbye to Payless Shoesource
Don't cry because it's over, smile because now you can tell future children there was a place that had magical light up shoes that were cool until middle school. Payless ShoeSource was a fancy store to my family. When we were all able to jump into our old red suburban, we knew a stop at Payless was like a trip to Disneyland. My original store was the Yarbrough location, but I know we have so many around El Paso. Unfortunately, over the years, styles have changed and little kids are already into labels at a young age, so Payless had no hope.
According to Reuters, Payless ShoeSource will finally close ALL of their shoe stores in the United States by the end of this month. The company recently tried to survive through bankruptcy and by gaining press using an elaborate prank on rich people, but it wasn't enough to keep their "sole" from the depths of company hell.
Payless continues to look for someone to buy them up and give them a whole new life, but so far they have no luck. We are all just stuck with our memories and empty stores in malls and around the city.