In Case You’re Wondering COVID-19 Not Transmitted by Mosquitoes
Environmental Services Department advising that COVID 19 is not transmitted via mosquitos.
As we all continue to social distance and quarantine to prevent spreading COVID-19 in our community the City of El Paso’s Environmental Services Department (ESD) is advising residents that there is no scientific data to suggest mosquitoes spread the COVID-19 virus.
They do however warn that we must continue to take precautions from mosquito-borne illnesses such as West Nile and the Zika virus.
Every year the Environmental Services Department helps prevent mosquito breeding by setting traps and fogs areas throughout the community through its Vector Control Program.
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Authorities urge residents to follow the four D’s to help avoid getting bit by these pesky bugs.
- DEET - Use insect DEET repellents
- DRESS - Wear long sleeves, long pants, and socks if possible when outdoors.
- DUSK / DAWN – Avoid peak mosquito biting hours (from dusk to dawn)
- DRAIN – Drain standing water from your yards or inside your homes including flowerpots, gutters, pool covers, pet water dishes, birdbaths and any standing water in general.
For more information call 2-1-1 or visit