Iconic Gas Station Donated To El Paso County Historical Society
You know how much I love historical El Paso. I've written a ton of articles on historical buildings in downtown El Paso and a lot of articles about the El Paso County Historical Society. If you want to check them out, just click on kisselpaso.com and search "history".
This week, an amazing piece of El Paso history was donated to the EP County Historical Society and it makes me very happy. The Texaco station at 2871 Grant Avenue in central El Paso was donated by the Davenport family as a gift to the community that Rod Davenport said “gave him so much.” According to the El Paso County Historical Society website Mr. Davenport was a successful antique dealer and appraiser. I used to go to his antique store, Davenport’s Antiques, in Canutillo all the time when I was growing up. I actually bought my first antiques from him. He was a very nice man and had great taste.
The Texaco station was built in 1919 and then became the Radio-TV Hospital. That's what I knew it as growing up. I never really knew it was anything else until I asked my grandfather why they built such a funny little building for an appliance repair shop. He told me about getting gas at that station for his cars when he was a teenager.
It's so good to see the history of El Paso architecture being saved for future generations. Mr. Davenport restored the Texaco station when it had fallen on hard times and seeing the iconic green and white pagoda-like building still standing in the same place over a hundred years later.
If you would like to donate to the El Paso County Historical Society to help with their mission of documenting and preserving El Paso history, you can donate by clicking here. Please help save El Paso history!