WATCH - KIM AND KHLOE CONFRONT MOTORIST: KIM and KHLOE KARDASHIAN made a bit of a scene in L.A. the other day. According to TMZ, an aggressive driver tried to turn into their lane, as if trying to run them off the road, So Khloe -- who was driving a much bigger vehicle -- cut the car off and cornered it against the curb.

She  and Kim then jumped out of the car to confront the person in the vehicle. Khloe ran to the driver’s side door to try and open it, while Kim snapped pictures of the license place. TMZ claims a woman was driving the car, and had another woman in the passenger seat and a man, dressed in a CBS Sports T-shirt in the back, filming the entire altercation. Witnesses say the driver backed up after Khloe tried opening their car door, turned onto a side street, and took off.

Kim later hit up Twitter and put the car's occupants on blast. Kim posted a picture of the car's license plate with the caption, "This driver tried to hit us and run while video taping it. She works for CBS Sports. Wow drivers beware." CBS Sports, by the way, says there's no evidence anyone in that car actually works for them.


SNAPSHOT - KIM'S HICKEY: Kim was seen out and about recently sporting with what looks very much like a hickey on her neck. TMZ says the love bite was first noticed the day after Kim and KANYE WEST went on a movie date.


Speaking of Kanye ... after Kanye infamously crashed Taylor Swift’s MTV Video Music Award acceptance speech back in 2009, President Obama was quoted as saying Kanye was a “jackass,” and apparently his opinion hasn’t changed much since. When asked by 'The Atlantic' whether he preferred “Kanye or Jay-Z,” the President replied, “Jay-Z, although I like Kanye. He’s very talented.” Upon being reminded of the 'jackass' comment, the President replied, “He *is* a jackass. But he’s talented.”

WATCH - RIHANNA ENDS INTERVIEW WHEN ASKED ABOUT LOVE LIFE: RIHANNA does not like being asked about her love life while she's promoting one of her projects and continues to make that very clear. RiRi recently slammed a reporter when he asked about her rumored romance with ASHTON KUTCHER  during a "Battleship" press conference, and she pretty reacted the same way when questioned about her personal life during an interview in Australia on Wednesday.

Rihanna was asked, "How frustrating is it when you're linked to another Hollywood star even if you've barely met them?" She responded bluntly, "Almost as frustrating as being asked about it." The interviewer says, "Well, people are interested in you because you're a big star," to which Rihanna states firmly, "They are. They're interested in a lot of things... that don't matter or shouldn't matter." And that's where the conversation ends. Literally.


COULD BE TRUE, COULD BE CRAP - KATY PERRY SINGLE AGAIN: According to the not-always-reliable Star magazine, KATY PERRY has dumped French model Baptiste Giabiconi. Assuming they were even dating in the first place.

Nevertheless, the mag quotes one of Katy's friends as saying, "[People] warned her that Baptiste was trying to raise his own profile and boost his singing career. But Katy was vulnerable and lonely after the split.

 She loved the attention Baptiste lavished on her and she wanted to make Russell [Brand] jealous. When she realized he was more into her connections than her personally, she dumped him."

CELEBRITIES WITHOUT MAKEUP - JESSICA BIEL: JESSICA BIEL was photographed yesterday morning makeup free after taking a red-eye from Paris to L.A. Can she sell it, or should she have hidden her face? We Report, You Decide!


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