Hate To Break It To You But Cat Lawyer Is A Total Jerk
If there is one thing that we've all had to do during this past year of the coronavirus pandemic it's getting used to online meetings. As if meetings weren't bad enough, doing them online has put such a spotlight on everyone.
You have to be worried about whatever is laying around that might be inappropriate or something you don't want your co-workers to know about you. You have to make sure that you are presentable from the waist up but you do get to wear stretchy pants so at least there's that. But in some cases, people who aren't tech-savvy have given us hilarious moments in Zoom meetings.
Such was the case of a Texas lawyer who couldn't figure out how to not be a cat during a Zoom hearing:
Everyone was awww-ing over the cat lawyer and saying how sweet and befuddled he sounded when he said, "I'm here live. I'm not a cat." For a few hours, we all had a smile on our faces and a song in our hearts because of Cat Lawyer. And then the internet kicked into high gear and found out some disturbing news about Cat Lawyer, aka Presidio County attorney Rod Ponton.

Turns out Ponton is a real piece of work. He had a one-time sexual encounter with an 18-year-old college student when he was in his 50s and after she told him she didn't want to see him again, he went after her some years later when she opened a store that sold smoking supplies. Ponton directed several "SWAT team style" raids on her store, accused her of having so-called spice products in her store, but in lengthy criminal proceedings, no illegal substances were found in her possession.
Cat lawyer Ponton stalked and destroyed the business of a girl who was decades younger than him because she wouldn't see him again. Sorry to say it but Cat Lawyer is more like a Weasel Weirdo.
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