Group of Protestors at Trump Rally Explain Why They Did It
As President Donald Trump's El Paso rally continues to cross all media platforms, we are discovering more stories about things that happened at that event. One of the underrated moments of the rally involved a group of protestors who were shown being dragged out of the venue but never interviewed or questions for their actions.
The group of protestors I am talking about are the group of mostly young women who were thrown out for revealing a banner that said, "No Bans/No Walls/NoCages - Free the #ElPaso9." As you can read in the Instagram post below, these protestors came with a plan to get the word out on the El Paso 9.
Now I have never heard of the El Paso 9 so of course, I attempted to find more information instead of blowing off their banner, which so many in that room did. According to the Houston Chronicle, Immigration and Customs Enforcement are accused of covering up a hunger strike in an El Paso ICE detention center, involving nine men seeking asylum, who are originally from Punjab, India. The article also points out that others seeking asylum in other detention centers along the border are also facing horrible treatment during their hunger strikes, when all they are asking for is proper treatment and a fair hearing for their asylum case.
During that rally, I realized the sea of red hats was intimidating. Being in the press pit made me feel like I had a target on my back the whole time. At one point, people would come up behind me and yell, "Fake News." Security would step in and tell them to step back but that was about the most security they had for the press pit, even though those speaking were pumping up the crowd to not trust the media.
As for the protestors in that rally, they took a big risk to have their voices heard. I may be one person who was looking for other messages and interactions at the rally, but I know if that message about the El Paso 9 got to me, it must have also attracted someone else to stop and take a second to look up facts; instead of believing everything said from a man in a suit.
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