Gov. Greg Abbott Announces Plans to Begin Reopening Texas
Get ready, Texans. Our state is reopening up and the Texas Coronavirus Strike Force wants you to get back to work.
Even though Texas Governor Greg Abbott believes Texans have only slowed down the curve of the spread of COVID-19, our state government is ready to start opening up different businesses and services to Texans. Our state government is ready to "lead the country" to restart business as they mentioned during their April 17th press conference.
So what does this mean about the possible spread of COVID-19? Well they basically are saying, if we don't follow guidelines like staying six feet apart, it will spread. As El Paso continues to see a rise in confirmed cases, as we continue to see people NOT follow rules everyday, like taking their whole family to Walmart, we are in trouble.
Let's not forget our Texas' lieutenant governor suggests grandparents are willing to die for US economy, according to USA TODAY from comments he made on Fox News. Seriously, think about it.
We all want to get back to our "normal" lives, but this is our new normal. If you care about your grandparents, about your family, about your country, you will not push the guidelines. Please, please follow the guidelines in order to REALLY stop the spread of COVID-19.
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