Free HIV At Home-Tests Available This Week For El Paso Residents
Make an appointment or take an at-home self-test and know your HIV status as part of National HIV Testing Day.
Thanks to the City of El Paso and the Department of Public Health, residents can instantly know their HIV status by signing up for a free confidential and anonymous HIV test.
Testing will be available in person by appointment or for those who prefer an at-home test; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is currently distributing free HIV home self-testing kits. These tests are available for individuals 17 years of age or older and can request one or two test kits. Once the self-test and if the result is positive, the Department of Public Health will confirm the test result and refer the client for any necessary treatment.
With the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic, it’s important to note that older adults and people of any age who have a serious underlying medical condition might be at higher risk for severe illness. These individuals include those who are immunocompromised.
All protective measures against COVID-19 (social distancing, wearing a mask, etc.) will be strictly observed.
According to the CDC, as of the end of 2016, an estimated 1.1 million people in the United States had HIV at the end of 2016 - Of those people, about 14%, or 1 in 7, did not know they had HIV.
For more information on the HIV Prevention program, call 2-1-1 or visit
Free HIV Testing
- Testing is available this week on Tuesday, June 29, and Wednesday, June 30, 2021
- 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- HIV Prevention center - 701 Montana Avenue.
- Anyone interested should call (915) 212-6665 to schedule an appointment.
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