First Of Three O’Rourke/Cruz Debates On Friday
Former El Paso Congressman Beto O'Rourke and Sen. Ted Cruz will be taking the stage Friday afternoon for their first of three scheduled debates. The debate will happen in Dallas at
Southern Methodist University. Each debate will be an hour.
The debates are taking place as the race between Cruz and O’Rourke gets tighter and tighter. Polls have come out this week that show each has a lead on the other. It really is anyone's race to win at this point.
The topic of this debate will be domestic policy. The moderaters are NBC 5 political reporter Julie Fine, and Dallas Morning News political writer Gromer Jeffers. You can watch the debate by clicking here.
You can see O'Rourke and Cruz debate again on September 30 in Houston, and the final debate is scheduled for October 16 in San Antonio. Early voting begins Oct. 22. You can register to vote until October 10.
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