Thirty-nine years ago in Utrechit, Netherlands a little Mixer was born and his name is Fedde Le Grand.  This gent has has crawled his way to the top from backyard, house parties, teeny tiny clubs to the WORLD WIDE claim to fame.  He brought more than mixing other people songs together, he made his OWN music to mix together!  DJ Magazine ranked Fedde Le Grand in the numero 27th spot when he came into the MAIN scene!

You just may know him from one of his BIGGEST hits below…what a lovely city!  Thanks to Spinnin' Records for posting this on youtube.

Who doesn't remember dancing to that song at the O.P. or where eva' you were at in 2007, OMG, its the 10th anniversary for that song!  Fedde Le Grand found LOVE with Tana, they also co-founded Flamingo Recordings.  Now he along with his colleagues are finding talent and exposing the world to the best of the best!

St. Patricks Day is gonna be balling at 301 Nightlife, March 17th starting at 10 p.m. till who knows when, it is selling out FAST, $21 plus fees!  Come out and enjoy your green day with fun, cocktails, and Pure dancing craze!

Get your 411 below about Fedde Le Grande...


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