Last Saturday, Mike and I ran into each other at Sunland Park Mall.  I was there to read to a group of children.  Mike was shopping with his wife.  And what's going on in the picture?  It's not what you think!

Darren and I got to the mall early and had some time to kill.  I needed some unmentionables, and what better place to get them than Victoria's Secret, right?  As I picked out a few things and was heading to the dressing room, lo and behold, there was Patricia, Mike's REAL wife, not his WORK wife!  And she was holding a super sexy red satin bra!  I was holding nothing because I was lucky enough to have the salesgirl carrying things for me!  All four of us laughed and tried to pretend we weren't there to buy sexy things, and I pulled out my camera!  As you can tell by the picture, I still haven't gotten the hang of the over the shoulder self-pic, but you get the idea!  We had fun being silly about the undies and giggling like fourth graders at all the lacy underthings!


So what is it about Victoria's Secret that makes everyone, men and women, so giddy?  Well, I ran across a study that said even just holding a VS bag makes women feel sexy.  Researchers found that because Victoria's Secret is a glamorous, feminine brand, it's distinctive pink bag is enough to give a woman a boost.  Women in the study said they even felt better looking than other shoppers when they carried a VS bag around in the mall! 

And that, gentleman, is why they call it "retail therapy"!  And I guarantee you, it's a heck of a lot cheaper than REAL therapy!  So run out and get your woman a little Vicky Sue love!  She'll love you for it!

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