EPPD Officer In Wiz Khalifa Selfie Incident Won’t Get In Trouble [AUDIO]
Khalifa was in town performing at the Neon Desert Music Festival and was about to board a plane at the El Paso International Airport on Sunday when he was arrested for allegedly having a half-gram of marijuana. While he was in the detention cell, he asked to make a phone call to his wife, but took a selfie instead and posted it on social media.
Police say they do allow people in holding cells to use cell phones to make a phone call. The department investigated the incident and decided against any punishment for the unnamed officer.
Khalifa eventually got on a plane to do another music festival and spoke to a reporter about the selfie.
He also mocked the officer who gave him the cell phone.
Khalifa is a turd. I hate that he made our PD look silly. Hopefully, the next time something like this happens, officers will make sure that a call is being made, and a selfie isn't being posted. Their job is hard and thankless enough without some stupid punk getting 'street cred' from a stupid punk prank.