El Paso’s Beto O’Rourke Announces End Of Presidential Campaign
El Paso has had a hell of a year. We endured a horrible massacre in our own backyard when a man drove across Texas to slaughter 22 of our family and friends in the Cielo Vista Walmart. We have seen two presidential visits. We have also seen the candidacy of our former City Council representative, Beto O'Rourke, for president of the United States. Today, we also saw the end of that presidential run.
There will be some who will say that he is a quitter. There will be those who will say that he couldn't go the distance and never should have tried. There will be those who will say that he got too big for his britches.
I am not one of those people. I am so proud of the race that Beto O'Rourke ran. He did nothing but bring positive attention to our city. He is a proud native El Pasoan who wants the world to know that we are not some dusty little town on the border, but a city of people who love our country and our border heritage. Beto's decision to step down is nothing but proof positive that he is a true public servant. He could have pushed through and continued to possibly split the Democratic pie, but instead he chose to step down and says he will work to get the Democratic nominee in the White House.
A politician is someone who is only in politics to maintain his power and position. A public servant is someone who is in politics to better all of our lives. Beto never tailored his message to the crowd he was speaking to. His beliefs were steady even when he was speaking to a Republican crowd. Even when I didn't agree with him - and there were a lot of times I didn't - I never felt as though Beto didn't have my best interests at heart. The guy is a true public servant because he wants all of us to have a better life, not just the people who would vote for him.
This wasn't Beto's time, but that time will come. The country can use a man like Beto in the Oval Office. He will make it someday.
Thank you, Beto, for never letting the world know that you are an El Pasoan. You'll be back and we'll be here cheering you on.
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