And the award goes to…… HOPEFULLY CHICO!!

El Paso’s favorite Chihuahua Mascot, Chico, is up for a few a few awards in the mascot hall of fame this year and it’s up to us to help him win if not one, but all three of those awards!

The Mascot Hall of Fame celebrates mascots in a fully interactive children's museum. The organization’s vision is to To be a leading institution that supports creative thinking using the backdrop of family fun and sports mascot entertainment. 

“It is our desire to promote education through S.T.E.A.M. principles and inspire learning and play outside the classroom,” read a description on the organization's website.

Chico is one of dozens of other mascots that is up for an award this year. Chico is nominated for the minor league choice-greatest community impact award, minor league best in-game routine/skit, and minor league best video skit/short.

Helping Chico win is as simple as clicking here, entering your name and email and submitting your vote!

You can only vote for one mascot from each category, or skip any and go to the next page to vote for the next award.

Chico was a regular at my son’s Peter Piper Pizza birthday parties so I am rooting for him to take home all the awards!

If you would like to see the full list of nominees or to vote for Chico click here.

Courtesy: Iris Lopez
Courtesy: Iris Lopez

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