Hold on to your wallets ladies and gentlemen! Just when we thought gas prices were FINALLY dropping to a reasonable price, the gas gods decided to jump up a whole dollar overnight!

Look, I am by nature a dramatic person, but when I noticed that the gas prices in my neighborhood were at $2.88 on Wednesday and then Thursday morning they jumped to $3.69 I knew my dramatics were more than just that.

Iris Lopez
Iris Lopez

To make sure I was not going crazy I called up one of the gas stations where I noticed the price jump and the very nice gas station clerk told me that I was not going crazy. She told me that the day before she noticed that the gas station across the street had raised their gas prices to $3.69 and she was curious if her store would be doing the same.

The following morning when she got to work she saw that gas prices at her gas station jumped too.

Iris Lopez
Iris Lopez

I wasn’t alone in noticing the increase in gas prices across town. Viewers shared that they were shocked to see the jump in gas prices overnight:

“Yes, prices jumped a dollar. My husband noticed yesterday at 3 am. I had just gotten gas the day before at 2.68 and he said it was about 3.69. This is around the Zaragoza and Pellicano area.”



“ I live off of Eastlake and yes! Gas jumped to 3.69. I had actually put gas last week at the circle k on Eastlake and Rojas at 2.81. The speedway was packed yesterday evening as they were the last ones advertised, still 2.88 or 2.81. But all gas stations in that area were at 2.81 last week. I should’ve put gas yesterday morning.”

Iris Lopez
Iris Lopez

Why The Sudden Jump In Gas Prices:

So, I decided to put my investigative reporter hat on to do some in-depth research as to why gas prices rose overnight. AKA I googled it.

According to a USA Today article, the gas price increase is due to a cut in oil production.

OPEC+ (The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) said Wednesday that it will cut oil production by 2 million barrels a day which means gas prices are most likely going to increase due to this cut.

OPEC+ went on to say that the decision for this cut was based on the “uncertainty that surrounds the global economy and oil market outlooks.”

Now, what does all of that mean? Honestly, I have no clue all I know is that I recently just bought a new car that isn’t too gas friendly so now I’ll be eating ramen noodle soup for lunch & dinner until gas prices drop back down to $2.88.


Eastlake Gas Prices

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