El Pasoan Calls Herself GoblinGarbage Yet is a Twitch Treasure
I am trying to get into Twitch more and have not really stumbled upon many El Pasoans streamers who use it.
I know it is probably because I am not in the right groups of people to find them, but I did stumble upon GoblinGarbage.
You can see her play along with some popular games and even chat with her. That is what is really cool about Twitch, is this instant connection with a streamer as they play.
So far she has 708 followers and seems to be working on growing her audience and sponsor opportunities. Do you know how many times I have asked Liquid Death to work with our radio station? They totally ignore me, but they have made GolbinGarbage an influencer for them.
If GolblinGarbage looks familiar to you, that is because you might have also been pierced by her! According to her Instagram, she is also known as Lindsey, a professional body piercer.
Many El Pasoans are jumping on the Twitch streaming game and slowly building a fan base, like GoblinGarbage.
Maybe you or a relative are jumping on becoming a professional streamer? It seems like a pretty big risk if you make it your full time job, but as a side gig, it seems pretty sweet.
In the media industry, I think we need to jump on the Twitch train. Maybe GolbinGarbage can give us some tips on it. W ho knows, may you will see Mike & Tricia streaming on Twitch on the day, playing Fortnite. Now that would be a crazy world.