Happy World Emoji Day!

Emojis are being celebrated today worldwide for World Emoji Day – because how else can we text our feelings without the creative use of emotional emoticons which visually describe our moods.

Our love of emojis goes hand in hand with the obsession over our phones – there’s even a word for it:  Nomophobia, which means fear of being without a mobile phone. But aside from our man-made phobia here – Emojis are just one of the ways that have transformed how we communicate in a digital age where one in five tweets now includes an emoji according to Emojipedia.

Today for World Emoji Day, Emojipedia released the new and complete 2020 emoji list, with 117 emojis making the final cut for release this year.

Emoji additions include Smiling Face With Tear, the Transgender Flag, a Ninja, People Hugging and many more – Click the video below for the full list.

Emojipedia is the world's leading emoji resource and according to its analysis, the top 13 emojis used on Twitter in April of 2020 were:

Top Emojis Used on Twitter

There are thousands of emojis out there – there’s an emoji for anything and anyone, including celebrities such as the Kardashians who released their own set a few years back.

In celebration of World Emoji Day, I came up with 5 El Paso style emojis that could certainly represent our Sun City:

  • The Amigo Man
  • Star on The Mountain
  • Chico’s Tacos
  • Miner Pick
  • Mt. Cristo Rey

Maybe one day we’ll get our very own El Paso branded emojis – after all, The El Paso Chihuahuas have already crossed over into emoji land when they revealed its own set back in 2017.

El Paso Chihuahuas
El Paso Chihuahuas

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