El Paso Road Closures For This Week – There Are A Bunch
Road construction around El Paso can only mean one thing - road closures.
I won't bother you with the stuff they are going to do, I'm just going to clue you in on the dates and times you need to remember to not get stuck in traffic.
Continuing until further notice:
The turnaround from Gateway Boulevard East to Gateway Boulevard West under I-10 at Trowbridge Drive is closed to all traffic.
Tuesday, April 23, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Lane closures will be in place on Gateway Boulevard West at Trowbridge Drive.
Wednesday, April 24, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. and Thursday, April 25, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
US 62 (Paisano Drive) will be closed to all traffic between Gateway Boulevard North and Gateway Boulevard South. The detour will be: Westbound traffic will turn right on Gateway North, left on SH 20 (Alameda Avenue), left on Loop 478 (Copia Street), and then rejoin Paisano. Eastbound traffic will turn right on San Marcial Street, left on Delta Drive, left on Boone Street, and then rejoin Paisano.
Sunday, April 28, at 3 a.m. to Monday, April 29, at 6 a.m.
Eastbound Interstate 10 will be closed to all traffic at US 54.
The on-ramp which connects Gateway Boulevard East to eastbound I-10 east of Loop 478 (Copia Street) will be closed to all traffic.
DETOUR: Eastbound traffic on I-10 will take Exit 22A (Loop 478/Copia Street), continue east on Gateway Boulevard East, and re-enter I-10 east of Raynolds Street.
Traffic on westbound I-10 will not be impacted by this work, but you're not getting off that easy westsiders. There's some more road closure hell in your future, as well.
The following long-term closures will remain in place during the week of April 22:
Ramp T which connects Gateway Boulevard North to northbound US 54 remains closed until further notice.
Both turnarounds between Gateway Boulevard North and Gateway Boulevard South at US 62 (Paisano Drive) remain closed until further notice.
Lane closures are in place on eastbound and westbound US 62 (Paisano Drive) at US 54 until further notice.
Intermittent lane closures on Gateway Boulevard South between Findley Avenue and Paisano Drive (US 62).
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