The best thing about having kids in in school is that you know where they are eight hours a day. The worst thing about having kids in school is you're probably still in work when they get out of school. What am I supposed to do with them after school, you wonder at the start of every school year.

The City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department has the answer. They have an after school program for the 2017-2018 school year that begins on September 5. It is really well-priced at just $5 per week per child, and it is offered at select elementary schools in the El Paso and Ysleta Independent School Districts. The program runs Monday through Friday from when school is dismissed to 6 p.m. Kids even get a healthy snack each day.

Kids will be able to do their homework, play table games, do sports activities, arts and crafts, and much more. The Braden Aboud Memorial Foundation helps support the program, keeping the cost to parents low.

There is more information on the Parks and Recreation website. Each after school site is on a first paid basis and is limited to only 50 participants, so get your kids registered quickly.


Ascarate Logan
Burleson Paul Moreno
Coldwell Roberts
Cooley Rusk
Crosby Stanton
Del Norte Heights Thomas Manor
Del Valle Travis
Douglass Ysleta

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