If we're to believe every "worst of" type list that's come out lately, El paso is one of the least hip, fattest cities in America populated by some of the ugliest men this country has to offer. And now, apparently our city doesn't have any fashion sense either.

El Paso was ranked third "worst-dressed" city in the country by some real estate -- yes, real estate -- blog whose ridiculous criteria included the number of "high-end clothing stores, jewelry stores" and  "tailors and shops offering alterations." While I don't think we dress any worse than any other city, I must admit we do have our fair share of "Glamour Don'ts." Here's just a few pointed out on the Mike and Tricia Facebook page:

--PJ's in public!
--Women wearing size 4 jeans when they should be wearing [a] 16
--Taco hats [with] pointy boots [and] polyester Levi's!
--High heels with warm ups
--Fat women who think that leggings are pants that should be worn with a thong
--Those ugly wicked witch of the west curled boots

What is the #1 fashion fail that you see around El Paso on a regular basis? Let me know in the "leave a comment" box below. And read the rest of the Facebook comments HERE

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