El Paso Weather Continues to Be Perfect for Cooking Eggs Outside
This El Paso heat would make the Devil feel right at home.
We have been hitting triple-digit heat and summer doesn't officially start until June 20th. That isn't stopping people from enjoying summer activities like attempting to fry an egg outside.
TikTok user Speedy_Gonzalez24 has been the first El Pasoans I have seen on TikTok to successfully accomplish the good old egg frying trick.
I saw KVIA's Doppler Dave attempt to make like two fried eggs when the weather was about 105 or 106 degrees and he failed miserably. I couldn't find a video for proof but I watched it in real-time. Trust me, it was disgusting that they had an egg cam.
I think the big mistake Doppler made was he didn't use any oil. Did you see how smooth Speedy_Gonzalez24 cooked that egg after she added some oil? Not sure if she left the pan out the whole time or she heated it up just outside or she heated it up first, then came outside to cook it.
It looks like she just oiled the pan and let it heat up for a while before cooking the egg. Now that is a handy tool. It also seems that the heat is really coming off of her weight bench that she placed the pan on.
She seriously worked smarter not harder to get a great video to showcase just how crazy hot it is here in El Paso, Texas. It doesn't look like the heat is stopping anytime soon, so we just might have to jump on this trend as usual.
Last time I baked some cookies in my car, so maybe this time I will try cinnamon buns, a pizza or even a burger patty. You k=never know what this crazy El Paso heat can cook.