El Paso Girl Scout Council Leads The Nation In Cookie Sales
It’s Girl Scout cookie time, and the girls in green are celebrating their one hundredth year anniversary of cookie selling. The El Paso council of the Girl Scouts, the Girl Scouts of the Desert South West is also celebrating being the top cookie selling council in the whole United States.
The Girl Scouts of the Desert South West council covers a lot of ground. They go from Midland, Odessa, all the way down to the Big Bend then sweep all the way across the southern half of New Mexico to the Arizona border. There are 11,000 girls in the council and 3,000 of those troops are right here in El Paso.
Last year, the Girl Scouts of the Desert South West sold nearly 4 million boxes, and one million of those boxes were sold here in El Paso. The council expects to sell more this season with the help of a new cookie flavor, S’mores, which was created to commemorate the 100th anniversary.
You can buy your Girl Scout cookies with the help of their finder app. If you don’t want to eat the delicious cookies yourself, you can donate cookies you buy to a soldier. The boxes bought for troops are donated to Fort Bliss in May and sent to those deployed. Last year, the council sent 14,000 boxes to troops, and this year the council is expecting to send 15,000 boxes.
Cookie Season officially ends March 12.