Do You Know The People In These Photos?
I love El Paso history and I love one of the best archives of El Paso history, the El Paso County Historical Society. The Society is housed in the Burges House at 603 W. Yandell, just outside of downtown. The Burges House was built in 1912 by a prominent El Paso attorney, Richard F. Burges who was City Attorney in 1908, and wrote the city charter.
The best thing about the Historical Society is they have an amazing resource room that you can use that houses photos, journals, documents, and books that you can use to do genealogical research or just browse through to find out more about El Paso history. It really is an ideal way to find out more about the city and the people who lived here.
On the Society's Facebook page, they often highlight photos that they have but about which they know nothing. It really is interesting to see the faces from El Paso's past, but it would be great if we knew who the people in the photos were. Here is the link to the Society's Facebook page so you can check out the photos weekly. I've chosen a couple of photos for this article and if you know who these people are, you can contact the Society.
It never ceases to amaze me that people lose track of their beloved photographs, but it happens. Please check out the Society's Facebook page and help identify their photos from El Paso's past.