Dirt: It’s On Between George Lopez and Kirstie Alley!!!
KIRSTIE ALLEY vs GEORGE LOPEZ!!! WHO YOU GOT??? It's definitely on between GEORGE LOPEZ and KIRSTIE ALLEY after GLo compared Kirstie to a PIG while discussing her performance on "Dancing with the Stars" on Tuesday's "Lopez Tonight."
He said, quote, "She did a nice job. Her little hooves tappin' away. Before the show, she went to the market, and then she had roast beef. And this is her going all the way home." At that point, he showed a clip of the Geico commercial with the pig squealing "weeeeee" out the window of the car.
Well, yesterday Kirstie responded on Twitter: "Don't worry about George's comments. Just remember what happens to the big bad, drunk wolf...[he] falls in a boiling pot of vodka. Piggy laughs." Is she insinuating George has a DRINKING PROBLEM???!!! Hmmm. George later Tweeted this apology: “I misjudged the joke. No malice was intended and I apologize to Kirstie.” You know what needs to happen, dontcha? That's right ... DANCE OFF!!!
ROMANCE REPORT: Are COURTENEY COX and DAVID ARQUETTE back together? They've been acting like it lately. Last weekend they were spotted at a flower shop in Malibu ...
And now "Us Magazine" reports the estranged couple were all lovey-dovey at a press conference for "Scream 4." The two -- who met on the set of the first Scream movie -- were seen with their arms around each other and holding hands.
But wait, there's more! Yesterday, Courteney gushed over David in an interview with "Access Hollywood". Talking about his recent weight loss, she said, quote, "He looks the best he's ever looked...he looks really, really cute."
2.)Contrary to yesterday's rumor mongering, JESSICA BIEL and GERARD BUTLER are not going out to dinner all the time, and they're definitely NOT doing the dirty-dirty. They're just filming a movie together ... so says an insider to E! Online: "They have never had dinner alone,they are always in a crew of people on the film."
SNAPSHOT: Man, that ALICIA SILVERSTONE has really let herself go!!! ...
THE GHOSTESES OF THE 'IDOL' MANSION:This year's "American Idol" contestants aren't exactly slumming it when it comes to their accommodations. The finalists were put up in a $12 MILLION Beverly Hills mansion that supposedly cost $100,000 a month to rent.
But they moved out last week, because TMZ says the place is HAUNTED!!! No, for real. The contestants reportedly complained of "bizarre flickering lights" and a sudden spider infestation. But the final straw -- or should I say, the final nail in the coffin -- was when several of the contestants supposedly witnessed "a bed sheet float down an empty hallway."
TMZ says that's when the contestants demanded a new crib, and the producers obliged. They're now living in an "undisclosed location." By the way, TMZ also says there was a NON-supernatural factor involved as well. Los Angeles experienced a day-long torrential downpour last weekend and the roof was leaking like a sieve. Of course, the ghosts could've had a hand in that, too.
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