Video Teases El Paso ‘Idiots’ Who Ignore Stay at Home Order
Many El Pasoans just aren't listening, so now the internet is calling out the "idiots".
As health officials, local leaders, and your favorite radio DJ’s on 93.1 KISS-FM have pointed out time and time again, keeping our distance from each other and not congregating in groups is very important to both your well-being and slowing the spread of the coronavirus.
But somehow the frequent reminding and cajoling – heck, even a local and state government stay-at-home order -- has failed to resonate with many. So because El Paso’s stay home game is so weak, the internet has started teasing the “idiots” who aren’t taking the pandemic seriously and continue to party like it’s 1999.
One brilliant example is posted below. The funny video, titled El Paso Doesn’t Listen, came to our attention via the Instagram account FitFam El Paso.
The clip features the Full House TV theme song, and video of El Pasoans starring as “the idiots at Costco, the idiots at the poppy fields, the idiots at Red Sands, the idiots having parties at homes, [and] the idiots hoarding toilet paper.”
The 50 seconds of hilarity ends with the tagline, “Stop being idiots. We’re in this together.” I don’t know who produced it, but you deserve a slow clap. Well done.
And, come on y’all, in the words of Dr. Ocaranza, head of the El Paso City/County Health Authority, do your “civic duty” and comply with all current and future health orders.
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