‘Cops vs Kids’ Video Used To Make Arrests Of Vandals That Broke Into Ascarate Pool
Earlier this month, a swim team coach said she was worried about the vandalism that was happening at the Ascarate Pool in Ascarate Park. The coach told KFOX 14 that she and her team had to deal with three instances of vandalism and she was worried about the escalation of the vandalism.
Within a few days, a video of an El Paso police officer pointing a gun at children in a south central El Paso neighborhood went viral because the officer was surrounded by kids cursing at him and he briefly pointed his gun at the group of juveniles.
Tuesday afternoon, El Paso County Sheriff Richard Wiles tied those two incidents together when he announced that six of seven juveniles suspected in the break-ins at Ascarate Pool were seen in the cops vs kids video. Wiles said his deputies recognized boys in the viral video and burglary footage recorded by security cameras at the county-run park.
Two 12-year-old boys, three boys ages 13, 14 and 15, and two girls, ages 12 and 16, were arrested in connection with the vandalism and break-ins at Ascarate Pool. They are facing charges of burglary of a building, and breaking into a park toll booth. That incident happened around 10:50 p.m. on July 2. In that incident, a key was taken.
The group is also suspected in vandalism and a break-in July 6 at the park pool and a softball equipment storage shed between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.. Wiles said the names of the children were not released because they are juveniles.