A Deliciously Clever Hack For the Main Course of Thanksgiving
Oh. My. Gosh.
That was my first reaction when scrolling through Instagram and seeing this Friendsgiving hack. While some may see this as rude, I see this as hella smart.
As someone who can't even afford to feed herself sometimes, it is a smart idea to purchase a precooked rotisserie chicken instead of a turkey to bring to the table.
You have to give this girl credit for at least dressing up the chicken in a fancy dish. She could have just left it in the package and said, "Eat Up."
But no. That is not acceptable for the holidays.
It is acceptable to enjoy this rotisserie chicken on Thanksgiving because no food should go to waste. Plus they are super delicious.
Stressing about making the perfect bird for a Friendsgiving or even your family's Thanksgiving can just ruin the holiday for you. It is 2022, we aren't trying to impress anyone. We are just trying to get fed without talking politics.
Nicole has a point. The chicken does look like a little turkey. We might as well embrace it.
Unless you are like this Instagram user @bartonridgeestates who is upset about someone who did this, "I had someone trying this one Thanksgiving. 8 years ago and I still haven’t spoken to them. 14 people and 1 effing chicken."
You do have to consider how many people will be at the dinner if you are going to pull this hack. If you are doing the chicken hack, make sure to bring enough for everyone.
If you can't afford a turkey, don't promise it. Just be on ice duty.
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