City Of El Paso: Don’t Fall For Coronavirus Door-To-Door Scam
For some reason whenever there is a hurricane or a tornado or some other horrible situation in which people are trying to pick up the pieces of their lives, the scammers in our world come out in droves to try and steal things or hurt people. The coronavirus outbreak is no different. We've been dealing with people with positive coronavirus tests for just a few days, but here come the scammers.
Officials with the City of El Paso took to social media to let people know about the latest scam happening. They announced that there are scammers going door-to-door pretending to do in-home testing for the Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19. Officials with the El Paso Department of Public Health want to let you know that they will never, I repeat, never send anyone to your door to do an in-home test for COVID-19.
The testing for Covid-19 is a serious procedure. If you were to get tested for coronavirus, the medical professional who would administer that test would be in head-to-toe gear designed to protect them and you from contamination. There would never be a person who would come to your door because the nature of the coronavirus is so contagious that there would be no way for a safe test to be administered.
Please tell everyone in your life - an elderly family member, a person who might be worried about their immigration status, a young person - that no one will ever come to the door of your home to test anyone for coronavirus. The people who are doing this could be casing your home and trying to find out if they can rob you. Don't let them in your home.
If you have any questions about a coronavirus test you can call 2-1-1. If someone comes to your door and says the City or the County sent them to give you a coronavirus test, close the door and call 2-1-1 to report them.
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