Cielo Vista Mall Holds Easter Bunny Event For Special Needs Kids
It's that time of the year. No, not Christmas, it's time for Easter Bunny pictures. It's time to get your beautiful kiddos all dressed up in their Easter best, time to make sure everyone's hair is perfectly combed, and time to get everyone loaded up into the car to head to the mall. It's also time to wait in line for hours while all those pretty clothes and hairdos wilt in the crush of other families who got dressed up for Easter Bunny pictures.
If you have a special needs child, you know that doing all that can sometimes be too much for your kiddo. Cielo Vista Mall is helping to make sure you get an Easter Bunny picture without too much hustle and bustle. The mall doesn't open until noon on Sundays, so the are setting aside time on Sunday, April 7 for their Caring Bunny Photo Experience. To be a part of this event, you need to call Cielo Vista Mall at 915-799-7071 to make your reservation.
If you have the time and your special needs child can handle a little more noise and stimulation, you can also go online and choose a time to go get your family photos with Peter Cottontail and skip the normal line. You'll get to pick the hour in which you want to go get your photos, that way, even if there is a long line, you won't have to wait in it. You can get the times that the Easter Bunny is available for photos at Cielo Vista Mall during mall hours by clicking this link.
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