You know we love the movies here at KISS FM. We tell you about free movies at El Paso area parks, free movies at McKelligan Canyon, free movies at UTEP, and even free movies at Bassett Place.

One of my favorite places to catch a free movie is at the Trost-designed International Museum of Art. Not only do you get to see a classic movie on the big screen for free, but you can get ridiculously well-priced concessions before the movie, and then check out the museum's exhibit for free, too! It really is a beautiful location and a great venue in which to see a classic movie.

This weekend, the epic western, How The West Was Won. You know how you always hear 'all-star cast'? Well, this really is. George Peppard who was in the A-Team and Breakfast in Tiffany's, Debbie Reynolds who was in Singing in the Rain and is Carrie Fisher's mom, Henry Fonda who was in On Golden Pond and is Jane Fonda's dad, Gregory Peck who was in To Kill A Mockingbird and Roman Holiday, Agnes Moorhead who was Endora on Bewitched, and James Stewart who was in the best Christmas movie ever made It's a Wonderful Life, are all in this movie.

The story follows the Prescott family for 50 years as they move across the country from the east coast to the west coast. It is an amazing film that the whole family can enjoy. Check it out this weekend!

WHAT: How The West Was Won
WHEN: Saturday, June 17, 2:00p.m.
WHERE: International Museum of Art, 1211 Montana

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