Catt Sadler formly from E! News makes her first television appearance since parting ways with the Entertainment News Network due to her becoming aware of an unequal wage instance that came to light between her and her male co star. Sadler joined the ladies of The View where she spoke about being with the network about 12 years which paralleled the career of her male counterpart at the network. Catt talks about taking on similar responsibilities as Jason Kennedy and eventually doubling her responsibilities which would clearly be more than Kennedy’s; yet still making significantly less money than the male anchor. Catt says she was severely underpaid before negotiations and when the network didn’t budge and “do the right thing” causing Sadler to walk away from the network. Sadler says that her male co host was making more than double her salary. Catt Sadler is excited to return to the red carpet for Oscar’s coverage and will continue to talk about what she considers to be an injustice. Lastly, Sadler comments on E!’s statement saying that she felt undermined and tears up at the amount of celebrities encouraging her to tell her story. Watch the conversation below.


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