If your family is looking to adopt an adorable bunny rabbit – then check out this El Paso Bunny Sanctuary.

One El Paso bunny rescue and sanctuary is looking for loving families to adopt and welcome an adorable bunny into their family.

Cristina Gallegos
Cristina Gallegos

Bunny Parents of EP TX is a local rabbit sanctuary run by Cristina Gallegos who rescues rabbits from abusive homes, animal hoarders and takes in abandoned rabbits.

Cristina Gallegos
Cristina Gallegos

The bunny sanctuary so far has placed four bunnies with amazing families but still have 17 left at the shelter.

Cristina Gallegos
Cristina Gallegos

Inspired by her own bunny Archimedes, Gallegos decided to create the bunny sanctuary to find better home environments for these fluffy pets with help from her friends and family members.

Cristina Gallegos
Cristina Gallegos

After cats and dogs, rabbits are the species most often surrendered to animal shelters. The majority of rabbits lose their homes because people move or owners just give up on taking care of the animal altogether.

Cristina Gallegos
Cristina Gallegos

If you are ready for a rabbit, consider adoption - most pet store rabbits come from mass-breeding facilities that can be like puppy mills. Adopting from an animal shelter such as the Humane Society or a rescue group like Bunny Parents of EP TX is always a better option.

Cristina Gallegos
Cristina Gallegos

Rabbits are very special and require attention and exercise every day but if you’re ready to adopt, then give this bunny haven a call because 17 more bunny rabbits are waiting to get adopted into a loving home.

Cristina Gallegos
Cristina Gallegos

For adoption inquiries, call Cristina Gallegos at (915) 478-3213 or visit Bunny Parents of EP TX on Facebook for more information.


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