Black Fridays, the ultimate discount store, is opening its new Holiday Superstore in West El Paso this Friday, beginning at 10 a.m.

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If you are not familiar, Black Fridays is a discount bin store that carries an array of home goods, electronics, clothes, toys, and general merchandise at one unbelievable fixed price.


For a limited time, the new Westside pop-up store will feature holiday merchandise like Halloween costumes, fall-themed décor, Christmas decorations, and so much more.

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Shoppers will find holiday and gift-worthy brand name items valued much higher in the $100 - $200 price bracket, so the daily fixed prices will differ from its normal store prices (Black Friday prices their merchandise by one set price for each day).

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Pricing at the Holiday Superstore will vary throughout the week as follows:

  • Fridays = $15
  • Saturdays = $10
  • Sundays = $6
  • Mondays = $4
  • Tuesdays = $2
  • Wednesdays = $1
  • Thursdays = Store is closed to restock

I was able to get a sneak peek and found so many great finds, from a Conair curling set to a stand-up George Foreman Grill and even a full Magic Bullet set.

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The shopping concept at this store is different than your typical retail shop. Merchandise at Black Fridays is separated in bins by general categories such as woman’s purses and handbags, a children’s section, and various general household items.

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The bins at this Holiday Superstore are filled with all types of merchandise from high-end and big box stores, and on opening day they will be restocking every 2 hours.

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As with all retail stores right now, Black Fridays continues to follow safety protocols so shoppers will need to social distance, wear a mask, and will need to wait in line to enter the store as they will be limiting the number of people inside for everyone’s safety.

The new pop-up Holiday Superstore will be open for a limited time through December, just in time to get all our shopping done for the holidays.

  • Black Fridays Holiday Superstore
  • 7410 Remcon
  • Opens Friday, October 2, 2020


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